
caring for pets in Mount isa


Services Overview



  • Spacious pens and beds.

  • Air-conditioning available.

  • Premium food provided.

  • Complimentary hydro-bath for 7 day stays..


  • Fully air-conditioned.

  • Quality food.

  • Play sessions available.

doggy daycare

  • Groups of small dogs.

  • Supervised activities and play session.

  • Air-conditioned rest area.


  • Dog hydro-baths.

  • Walk on leash.

  • Personal playtime.

  • Personal brush-time.

Kennels and cattery


Spacious boarding kennels cater to all breeds, sizes and ages. Dogs have access to an outdoor play area and are given a snack treat after morning playtime. All dogs are provided with a premium diet of Royal Canin or A la Carte. All our guests are provided with a trampoline bed so you don’t need to bring anything.

Small dogs: are kept in a separate area and have a morning group playtime.

Air conditioned pens are available at for a small surcharge. This is great for any dogs who struggle to keep comfortable in hot weather.


Our cattery is light and airy and caters for the fussiest feline in a quiet comfortable environment.

Air conditioning keeps animals cool all year round. Food consists of premium, grain free dry food from Royal Canin plus wet food in the evening.

We can also take care of birds, guinea pigs and rabbits.



per day

Small dog (less than 10kg) $27

Med/Large dogs $32

- Air conditioning +$7


per day

Single (Condo) $20

Double (Townhouse) $25


  • Charges are calculated per calendar day and count the day of arrival and departure.

  • A 7 day minimum stay applies over Christmas.

  • All pets must be up to date with their annual vaccination.

  • We also care for birds, guinea pigs and others. Owner to provide cage and food.


Doggy Daycare

Current Program:

Monday: Coming soon!

Tuesday: Coming soon!

Wednesday: Coming soon!

Thursday: Puppies, 6-18 months

Friday: Small dogs, under 12 kg

Doggy Daycare is a fantastic way to improve your pup’s valuable social skills, exercise, prevent doggie boredom and reduce the possibility of separation anxiety when left home alone.

Not only do we keep your dog busy mentally and physically throughout the day, through play and activities, but our staff also care for your dog like they are their own.  A special bond is developed between staff and the dogs they care for… this is so important for dogs to trust the people that look after them.

Your dog will enjoy a daily play in our large outdoor play area, where they will have up to 3 hours of play. This play will also include, Agility Training, ball play, and water play.  They are then returned to their sleeping areas, where they will rest in air-conditioned comfort until the afternoon collection time.


  • Daycare will initially be available for puppies and small dogs up to 12kg only.

  • We’re taking reservations for Thursday and Friday slots.

  • Drop-off and Collection Hours: 7-9AM, 4-6PM.

  • Note: Daycare is not available during the school holidays.


  • Vaccination 10 days before attending.

  • Dogs to desexed by 12 months of age.



Like to make a booking? To use the online booking platform or check availability, click the button below.

We will respond within 24 hours with a confirmation and invoice for the booking. If you’d prefer to make a manual booking or require a prompt response about reservations or general information please call (07) 4743 6363.

Free Holiday trial!

Has your pet not stayed at a kennel before? Are you nervous about boarding them? We are offering first time pets the opportunity to have a morning, afternoon or full day visit to try out their holiday home. They'll gain familiarity with the kennel environment and be reassured that you'll be back to pick them up again! Please call to inquire: 4743 6363.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. My pet has never stayed in a kennel before, will they be OK?
    Yes, most pets settle in quickly and adjust to their new environment. We aim to make every pet’s visit enjoyable and find treats, affection and brushing can help a pet to feel at home. You may be surprised at how much fun your pet has when away from home.

  2. Can you give medications? Is there a charge?
    Yes we can administer medications/supplements, there is no charge for this.

  3. Can I take my dog to the kennels?
    We are happy for our guests to see our facilities and will arrange a time with you to do so. However, when dropping your pets off we’d like you to say goodbye to them at our reception area and let a staff member settle them in. We find this results in a less stressful experience for the pets and creates less disturbance to the other animals in residence.

  4. What vaccinations are required?
    We require proof of vaccination: 3 puppy/kitten vaccinations and for older animals, a current annual booster shot.

  5. Do I need to bring my own food?
    No, we feed and recommend the highest quality pet food from A La Carte and Royal Canin plus wet food. The products we use are complete and nutritionally balanced and most animals love. Don’t worry that your pet won’t eat our food as we endeavour to find something your pet will enjoy. However, if your pet is on a vet prescribed diet we can supply that.

  6. What else do I need to bring?
    We provide bedding, bowls and toys. You can bring a toy from home, we can’t accept foam filled beds because of our septic system. Though we do our best to look after possessions, we can’t guarantee that something won’t get damaged or go missing.



Owen Bailey-Kruger

General Manager




Animal Attendant


Animal Attendant


Animal Attendant



Opening Hours:

Mon to Fri: 9-11 and 4-6
Sat, Sun: 10-12
Inspections are welcome in opening hours. During school holidays please make an appointment with us.

Phone: (07) 4743 6363
Email: furryfriendspetstays@gmail.com

8 Ryan Road, Ryan
Mount Isa 4825

Alternatively, fill the form below and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.


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